Thursday, January 26, 2012

Does anyone know what can cause sudden hair loss in women (age 41)? it's coming out 2-3x more than normal. ?

I live in a tropical zone most of the time and recently returned to Midwest USA. Within a week, my hair was falling out a lot. I am getting better nutrition here (am a 20+ year vegetarian but here eating more dairy - organic yogurt, etc. - than usual, plus tons of spinach, etc., so with my nutrition better, I wouldn't think it's vitamin-based). I have been going through all factors related that I changed at the same time (switched shampoo, started a new skin cleanser), stopping their use for 2 weeks to see if there is a change for the better. So far, nothing.

I would appreciate any advice, suggestions, similar stories. Thanks so much!Does anyone know what can cause sudden hair loss in women (age 41)? it's coming out 2-3x more than normal. ?
See your Doctor asap. I can be as simple as a pimple to a very serious thyroid problem. It's not normal for you to lose that much in such a short period of time. Does anyone know what can cause sudden hair loss in women (age 41)? it's coming out 2-3x more than normal. ?
I would visit your doctor. It could be any number of things. from your diet, to stress or a combination of factors. the fact you said it started when you came back to the US leads me to believe it isnt a coincidence. something has changed and has caused your hair loss. good luck

For hair loss you can try this remedy. Mix 1 egg, 2.5 tablespoons milk powder and 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil. Massage on the scalp and leave it for 30 minutes. Wash with a mild shampoo.

Check out for more info.

two things come to mind......first, have your thyroid checked....second how is your stress level

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