Thursday, January 26, 2012

So.. post partum hair loss, will rogaine for women work?

I'm getting that little M on my head on the side, i'm balding.

Im thinking about getting that women's rogaine.. cause, I'm only 22.

Also, I really want to dye my hair. BAD. Because it's blue. And I am sick of it. Think that's a bad idea?So.. post partum hair loss, will rogaine for women work?
wow i thought i was the only one!!! im 23 and my son is 4 months old and have the same thing on the sides of my head!!! i wanted to try rogaine also but read something on the back of the box saying that if u stop using it it will make ur hair fall out more than b4 u started using it! that freaked me out, anyways tho i asked my friend who said she has been using it for a few months and swears by it...she said it regrew her hair and is the best thing she ever did so i dunno? i also wanna dye my hair but am totally scared cuz i dont want my hair to thin more! lemme know if it works tho if u do choose to use it :)So.. post partum hair loss, will rogaine for women work?
I can't speak for Rogain since I have never used it, neither has my wife. However, there is a product on the market that is supposed to be far superior, especially for women.

My wife uses this, and it has worked very well in a short period of time with no side effects.

The product is not cheap, but what effective hair loss products are?

The great part is that it works fast

Check it out for yourself below.
It can help woman's hair loss. Best thing to do is go to a hair loss salon, and go over options to cover your hair loss until your hair grows back. that should not cause permanent hair loss.
you can try. my hair has thinned way out after having my baby. i used to have super thick hair now it is like medium thick but i feel like it is getting thinner and thinner. i hope it works for you
I am 6 months pp. I am still having some crazy hair loss. I think it is one of those things you have to ride out. I have also wondered about rogaine. Let me know if it works!
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