Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hair loss in women? Help!!!?

I dont know if it is my imagination or not but there is a little , very tiny spot kind of on the front of my head. I had my parents check it and they said that it looks fine, my dad said that he sees no hair shaft in the little spot, he thinks that maybe its just the way my hair grows. And my mom was washing my hair yesterday and would have noticed something. I was the one that noticed this spot today and was wondering if it was ringworm, but the spot is very tiny that people cant even notice it. My parents think it looks normal, but I have never noticed the spot before, My mom says if anythiing, it could be a minor case of ringworm which is easily treatable, or a hormonal imbalance, which can be easily fixed by birth control pills, they think I am overreacting. I dont know what it could be, since when I put my hand through my hair no hair falls off, and I dont find nor comb out gobs of hair clumps, so no hair is falling out, but its this one little tiny spot that is bugging me, I have another tiny spot like that in the front of my head with no hair shafts that has always been on my head since I was born, but this new one i have never noticed, could I be overracting? Or not have seen it before? Help!Hair loss in women? Help!!!?
You are overreactingHair loss in women? Help!!!?
Unless and until the spot is tender and painful or heavy hair fall is noted; just take it lightly.

May be, u've no work/activity to keep urself busy. an empty brains makes a Devil's workshop.

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No, its not overreacting. For hairloss i give you one idea that you use in home.Take a onion and peel it, than use its juice on your head. After half an houryou wash it from a good shampoo than from curd.This help your hair soft and clean.Cleanness is very important for hair,otherwise it can loss.
actually I've been having a similar problem for about 6 months, i think my hair is either falling out or thinning out, it probably is stress but i'm not sure. so i made a dr's appointment. that is all you can do because stressing does not help. Good luck SEE YOUR DOCTOR.
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