Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hair loss in women...bald spots....?

I'm 19 years old and started losing my hair about a year ago. I can't afford to go see a doctor, and I'm not sure what is causing my hair to fall out. I have a handful of hair fall out in the shower plus more throughout the day. I probably have about 4 or more bald spots(penny to quarter size). I just had a baby 3 months ago, I was balding before that, and it was worse when I was pregnant, but I am still losing hair and finding new bald spots every time I turn around.

What I'm asking is what do you think could be the cause? And if you recomend any kind of shampoo or vitamins or anything to help my hair grow back. I used to have the thickest long hair, I loved it and am very depressed with having to wear my hair in a certain way all the time. I just want my hair back, any help would be greatly appreciated! Thankyou so much.

I'm not on birth control, and I do have eczama and asthma. I smoke, have been smoking since I was 15. Not under any paticular stress...Hair loss in women...bald spots....?
A hormone imbalance could be causing this but the only way to find out for sure is to see a doctor for further evaluation. Because of your financial situation I would recommend checking with the city health dept to see if they offer a free clinic that might be able to help. If not, check to see if there's a Medical School close by that might be able to help.

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