Sunday, February 5, 2012

Women's thoughts on their sons' hair loss?

I recently met a couple of 40 something, highly attractive women, both of whose adult sons (19 and 24 respectively) were losing their hair to some degree. I was interested to find out what women in this position thought- were you upset on your sons' behalfs, did you discuss it with them, and did you feel it unusual that what is usually a sign of ageing occurring in their own sons while they themselves retained their looks at nearly 50. Let me knowWomen's thoughts on their sons' hair loss?
My son is nearly completely grey at 33 and is only slightly receding but it does upset me. I would never refer to it and if he did I would assure him that he is very handsome and looks distinguished.Women's thoughts on their sons' hair loss?
I'm only 20-years-old, so I don't have children yet, but if I did, I don't think his hair loss would bother me one way or the other. He may be a little disappointed at first, but eventually, after cutting his hair and wearing a hat like most other young balding people, he'd get used to it and feel good about himself again. Sometimes, if they're truly confident, they don't acknowledge it and show their balding to the public.

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